
In recent years, the slogan about N’Djaména becoming the ‘vitrine de l’Afrique’ has been a central theme in the propaganda of Déby for assuring his position in Central Africa. The transformation, modernization, and beautification of the city have been among the priorities of the government, which seeks to transform the […]

Youth protest in Chad: the anger behind the vitrine

>> Read the full biography Didier and Croquemort have a deep feeling for justice, in contrast to injustice—and especially to a particular aspect of injustice: betrayal (trahison). Trahison is a word that comes up regularly in our discussions. In a society where daily life has to deal with oppression and constant […]


Reflections of Mirjam Didier Lalaye and I have now, in November 2016, reached the conclusion of an ever-continuing anthropological journey—a journey which started purely by chance. I quote Didier: ‘You know, we could just as well not have met. When you called at the beginning of March 2014, I did […]

Nomadic minds